Due to scheduled maintenance, this site may be unavailable between 12am until 6am Saturday, July 27th.

Basic Property Search


Parcel ID Instructions Enter                      Returns                                            
Search by parcel number: Type the parcel ID into the search box above. Use the * to find a group of parcels. 16A0010000010


All parcels that begin with 16A

Owner Instructions Enter                      Returns                                          
Search by Owner name: Type in full name or part of the name into the Owner box. Use * as a wild card to match any string of characters. Grant



Brown, Barrow, Below, etc.

Bojarski, Bronowski, etc.

Address Instructions Enter                      Returns                                          
Search by Address: For best results leave off the street suffix. Use the * as a wild card to match any string of characters (when unsure of spelling for example or to return all results on particular street). 881 Arden

881 Arden

All addresses on Arden